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Business Canvas in the Young Rules


We have decided try  to connect  each part of the Business canvas  model with a simple scripts,  in order to try to get into it and hopefully would be adopted inside our minds.

CUSTOMER SEGMENTS: Define your people = ... leer más »

Estibaliz Lippez
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We have decided try  to connect  each part of the Business canvas  model with a simple scripts,  in order to try to get into it and hopefully would be adopted inside our minds.

CUSTOMER SEGMENTS: Define your people = Who do you want to talk to?

VALUE: Which is the experience your product made = Compose a remarkable song.

CHANNELS: How to deliver value? = Send and drop at the right place on time.

CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS:  How you talk to the people? = Choose your partners, mates, colleagues and clients. Trate them as a Family.

REVENUE STREAMS: Where the money came from= Choose your job, invest your time.

KEY ACTIVITIES: Plan each day from the first day= Calendar is a must-have.

KEY RESOURCES: Choose your team= Work with passionate people.

KEY PARTNERSHIPS: Some resources are acquired outside the enterprise = Set up a Network as a law.

COST STRUCTURE:  All costs incurred to operate = Show me the money, Q: How should I sped my budget? A: Invest Invest Invest.

By: @escibaliz 


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Estibaliz Lippez
    Investigadora Young de tendencias e innovación digital + Emprendedora y Enamorada del Hip Hop y el Breakbeat @putumayooh